Thursday, November 22, 2007

Beloved ~ Heart's Fulfillment by Sundance & Katie

Some beings are destined to be lovers. You can spot them a mile away. Society often labels them as love slobs, fools, or romantic warriors. The will do anything to realize their loving nature. They can be bloodied by judgment and harassed by skepticism but they never give up their quest. At sometime in their existence they have tasted true love. They know its richness, its vastness, its incomparable fulfillment of feeling within. They remember their radiant aliveness, the shine of a free heart outpouring itself. You might see them laughing wildly and crying at the very same instant. Their loving is so whole and global, so wondrously alive. These lovers are realists. They accept that love, real love, is unconditional. They clearly know that no-thing mental, emotional or physical can ever be perceived as true, if love is to be realized. Thus, forgiveness for lovers is not a dutiful effort but a natural reflex of relaxation and well-being. Their return to loving is as easy as receiving breath. They see no value in the egoic chase of security, comfort, power, fame and fortune. They have conscious experience with these things. They know the trick of temptation. They have witnessed the disappearance act many you have it, now you don't. Loving is not dependent. Loving IS before anything happens. Loving is simply Spirit, the conscious life of All Being.
_____________________________________________________________________ Heart's Fulfillment
The Heart’s fulfillment is the only true answer for transforming relative love into the unconditional. Before awakening, I thought that I was a fractional part and was searching for someone to fill that empty space that always seemed to be there, whether I was alone or with another. I kept finding that no one could fill that space and I wrongly assumed that the problem was with the other.

Finally, I took responsibility and decided that surely something was just wrong with “me.” When I began observing “myself,” I discovered so many strange thoughts and realized that they were causing so many negative emotions. Unsuccessful at changing anyone else so that I could finally be happy, I just went on and on and on trying to fix “myself.” Nothing changed the discontentment, sense of sadness, and my inability to appreciate a sense of fulfillment.

Through grace alone I awakened. I don’t know about you, but I certainly did not do anything to deserve This. It simply appeared spontaneously, uncaused and happened all by itself. I suppose that you could say that I lost “Katie” in the process; that separate sense of self who felt empty and incomplete. However, when she disappeared what remained is only the beautiful radiance that is full and complete. In retrospect, it was only my false assumption that I was a fraction that was causing the illusion of lack.

As you so beautifully share above in the previous post, this Love is before anything happens, dazzling and complete, in and of itself. We were blessed to have both realized this completeness, before we met one another twenty years ago. This is why loving in not dependent as you say. It never needs to get somewhere and requires nothing to be whole, so it simply can never be threatened in any manner. This Thanksgiving Day, I am simply grateful, Beloved … Katie

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