Saturday, May 24, 2008

Being Present & Self-realization by Sundance Burke


Thank you for your work!! I have a question for you... Is this about "being present, in the moment", or realizing the truth of who we really are? It seems, if I am totally present, in the moment, i don't know who i am because i'm not thinking or conceptualizing. But, that being totally present goes in and out, or back and forth. However, if i know myself as pure awareness, i walk around with that "knowing" and it doesn't matter if i am present or not!! There seems to be a difference here and a big contradiction. One is totally alive i guess you could say, and the other seems to be a mind thing or an intellectualizing. Can you please offer your insight and guidance? Thank you very much!!! Peace

Sundance Response:
Being present in the moment is just the first step in realizing who you really are. And what does being present really mean? It means being conscious of all that is happening in your experience right now, both outside the body and within the body/mind. It means that one is aware of self-experience now and aware that one is aware now. Very practically, it is eating and knowing there is eating, walking and feeling there is walking, thinking and seeing the thought process as it happens, being conscious of the present sense impressions being felt and reflected in the body/mind etc. It is by being present right now, which means conscious of Being Experience, that one can be beyond the body and mind phenomena and broadly engaged in that which knows all of this experience; the coming and goings on.

Consciousness is the permanent backdrop for all life experience, inner or outer. This sense of inner or outer is transcended into All Being when there is a conscious witnessing present as Self. This Aware Presence does not distinguish between inner or outer, that inside or outside the physical body, as the conscious Presence is who you are as the seer-knower-feeler and everything seen -known -felt, including the body, is this Self's experince, but not itself, except relatively and temporarily. Knowing who you truly are or Self-realization is fully realizing that True You is always here and beyond all experience including the experience of life as we know it. There are infinite life expressions that one might behold, many worlds, many dreams and You are their knower and also their source.

This cannot be understood intellectually and be called Self-realization. The latter is being this knowledge and that means that what I am saying is your actual experience of being nothing other than BeingAware. Self-realization is not a philosophy to be mentally explored, rather it is the reflected Livingness of that which is Pure Awareness... the Lover of All Mainifestation... the Heart of any Life.

Another response to your query is: concepts do not matter except to other concepts. Being is All that is Living Now.

Thanks for asking. I trust this pointing serves Truth.

Blessings Sundance

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